Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mooncakes~ luv them ^0^


I went to Jusco this evening to buy some groceries, and look what I've bought together, MOONCAKES ^_^ since Jusco now is having mid-autumn festival sale for mooncakes. I love mooncakes~ and besides tht I love those boxes that came together when you bought the cakes~ They are just so attractive and I love collecting the boxes. I bought only four cakes since they are quite expensive. Two of them are "Overseas" (brand name) ""White Lotus Paste with Yolk" and " Golden smthing". Another two are from "???" (chinese word, dunno how to read. lol) and this one the flavours are quite tempting. "Blueberry Blackcurant Cheese" and " Toffee Chocolate Walnut Brownies". Sounds great right?

Took some pictures of them but havent eat the cake yet since it just passed buka puasa time and Im still full ~.~

on the left is unknown brand, on the right is Overseas

The box from unknown brand. So pretty^^

From "Overseas"

Boxes from last years mooncake festival~ Now I got 5 of them. yay~

Sunday, August 23, 2009

the end of my Maple Story


After spending quite sometime into this 2d online game, I think now its a good time to call it a quit for good. Well.. I can say that I already 100% stop playing this for the past few months already.

I started to play this game since 3 years ago after a friend of mine introduced it to me. Just like many other online games, this game is about leveling and skills gained after each level. So after 1 level, we will train train train to gain the "experience point" and then leveled and the process keeps repeat till the player reach lvl200. Sounds boring right? But somehow I got become addicted to this game for quite sometime. Most of players are chinese from Singapore and Malaysia. I can say majority are teenagers (i started playing when i was a teenager too). But I do found some adults like in their 30s or married people who still playing this game.

While I playing this game I have met many sort pf people. Some are nice but many are rude also. This game also is a place where I learned some bad swearing words like kpkb or ccb whatsoever. But of course I never say those to pple lar. I made some online friends through this game and some of them are still befriend with me till now even I no longer play the game. I can say the game is fun if you make many friends and chat together or doing quest together. But some people just like to kill the fun by just training blindly for hours just to reach the stupid lvl200 which will really consume lots lots of your time. Well..people may say this game is about leveling. Keep level and become stronger. But come on.. like, we train for hours then level up, then train again kill the same things then level up again, yay got some skill. Then killll again, to level up again. Meh.. I dun see any type of fun by keep repeating those steps again and again and again. I am once stupid becos I was playing for level becos of following a training freak.

I dun wan to babel more =x Before I end this post, I would like to say thanks to all my Maple friend who guide me and treating me good while on my stay. Some already quited before me but for those who still playing, please play wisely and enjoy your game. I will miss SOME of you =D
I end this post with some screen shots of my character while playing the game. Enjoy.

When I was a newbie

Sweetest person I found in maple. Luv him so much =P I cried when he was banned from the server >.< My friend who responsible in bringing me to the maple world.

My guild master. Quite a nice friend. He is from Indonesia.

Another special friend. Now he the one who taking care of my accounts.

Knew him in msn at 1st, and eventually he is a mapler too. A nice guy.

He was a candy. He was an ice cold. But now he just a plastic.

My sis who play just to kacau me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I love you


Just want to say, that, I love you. I dunno since when but..yeah..

I love you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ஐ■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■ஐ


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