Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to.......ME!!


Its my birthday~ and starting from today Im 22 years old T_T. Omg I feel like Im getting old. T_T.. Most people usually will feel very happy when there comes their birthday for some reasons. For me, my birthday means Im getting old by 1 year, but the actual things that make me happy is to see how many birthday wish that I will get and of course ...present!!(well..if any)

So I would like to thank to these lovely people who wished me a happy birthday ~!

(from the 1st to the next after that)

Kismet (she never failed to wish me a happy birthday, again this year she is the 1st ^_^)
Kelvin (you save it in ur hp izzit? =P)
Jaycee (<3 I wish you can sing a birthday song for me ~)
Mum (the one who gave birth)
Dad (the one who responsibble =x)
Dom (unexpected >.<)
Siti Hajar ( Luv her so much ^_^ I miss the old time when we were a classmate)
Nanako ( thanks to facebook, jk =P)
Jun (thanks~)

hope the list will keep go on and on >.<

Siti said she wan to belanja me makan this weekend (yay~~) and someone from the list (who? secret..secret.. =p) said want to give me something. Im so happy !! ^o^

Anyways, I hope I will become a better person after this. Better and always better =)

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