Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another crossroad!


I've been jobless for a few months since my contract with MDeC ended last August. I wanted to find a new job, I mean permanent steady job but something was stopping me from doing so, which is the urge to further my study.

So when my ex Uni opened their next intake for December, I give it a try to apply (for one last time). This time I never chosed any science courses. I learned my mistake from big failure of not finishing my BSc (Hons) Material Technology. It was among my biggest mistake in my life accepting that course back then. Damn it actually wasted 1 and half year of my precious life.

And finally the new intake result was revealed recently. Without much confident, I went to the website, key-ing in my IC number just to see if my application managed to get through. I already set in my mind, if I failed the application or if they offered me with lousy "lelong" course, I will just proceed with my job hunting, aiming for at least RM1.8K job for my diploma cert.

Unconfidently, I pressed enter just to application managed to get through, and whats more? I got an offer to do BLS, aka Bachelor (Hons) of Legal Study aka Law! I was happy, because I didnt expect that I will get this course... But then, something stopping me again. It will took me at least 3 year prior completion and if I want to become a lawyer, I need to add another year to do my CLP, which add up for the total of 4 years to get the cert. And by that time, Im already 27!! Gosh, another 4 years of studying. And within the 4 years time, I m going to become a penniless student as I need to live with RM300 per month as pocket money. I cant shop like I used to when I had a job. Thinking about it make me feels like crying. I know maybe people see this as a small matter, but somehow it is not for me T.T

So this might happened if I took the course:
- Spent 3-4 years studying.
- Living with RM300 per month ohmygosh
- no money = less food and not much choice on transport (taking cab will make me broke in no
time) = more diet and walking to class = bigger possible to get slim? lol
- I graduate after 3 years, and got chance to hold a post in legal department, or graduate after 4
years and got chance to practice as lawyer.
- Can earn a lot, i mean really a lot as I progress my career in law institution.
- However all that only can happen after the age of 27.

And this might happened if I reject the offer:
- Proceed finding job
- Living with salary at least RM1.8K per month.
- I can shop, buy this and that, groom myself. Enjoy my young life.
- However, maybe I cant push my career to much higher as I dont have a degreee.
- There is a possibility that I might stuck at my position without much promotion?
- I can take part time study ( it going to be very tedious) or e-pjj course (less tedious but more
time consuming. But I guess by the time I got the degree certificate, Im already 30.
- There is no way I can take law part time (because its hard) and that course isnt offered for e-
pjj, so maybe I'll just end up with Degree in Admin or in Business Study which means, my
income eventually will not become as high as when I took the law course (unless I venture
myself into business world of course)

So in conclusion, taking the course is good for long term. I can become somebody, I can get lots of money, but I need to sacrifice my young age. I need to say goodbye to my shopping wishlist. I need to say goodbye to expensive skin regime. I need to say goodbye for anything related to money within the 4 years time.

If I dint take the course, its good for a short term period, but I might having some problem once I got more life commitment. Means I can enjoy my young life but after that, it wont be so sure anymore, unless if Im lucky like some people out there who can make money, without high education certificate.

How I wish if money doesnt really matter. If I can have more than RM300 as monthly pocket money, maybe I wont think so much about being utterly broke while studying. My bf told me that he can support me once he graduate next year ( I was shocked and happy when he told me this >.<), or maybe I can do some small business or small part time job to add my pocket money. But all that are still uncertain. For now what already confirm is the RM300 pocket

So this is my crossroad. Further my study, or proceed as working adult. I really cant decide yet. Oh God please help me decide. I dont want to make another mistake that can make me regret for the rest of my life..

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