Sunday, September 27, 2009

What have I did this Raya?

My Raya holiday going to end in less than 24 hours sobs..
So in the last 1 week holiday, what the things that I've done?

*shopping (this is a routine, at least once in a month)
*onlining (most of the time)
*studying (not most of the time)
*staying up late everyday (doing what?)
*tidy up my messy room (and it get mess again very fast after that)
*beraya (only at my own house -.-)

Why only at my own house, becos my dad wasnt around till the 4th hari raya, and when he back my mum already got no mood to go anywhere -.-, and that makes this Raya is the most boring raya that I ever had since 22 years. lol. And got 1 more record too, this year I only got 1 "duit raya" which is from my mum.

So now, what awaits me after this holiday end?
* 4 tests
* 1 project submission
* 16 lab report submission
* and of course back to my everyday class day routine, a long walk over hills and lots of
lader to class (cos the damn bus cannot make a stop at my hostel, I dunno I pay transportation
fee for wad =____= )

and being off topic a bit, how was my new banner? ^_^ applelicious?


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