Monday, November 17, 2008

Short Trip: Fraser's Hill

"Fraser's Hill takes its name after a legendary trader adventurer, Louis James Fraser who operates a "tin-ore in the forested Titiwangsa Range between the Selangor-Pahang borders
during the end of the 19th century. In the late 1880s, Fraser was last seen trudging along a beaten jungle path which connects Tras and Kuala Kubu, hauling a tem of mules laden with crude thin ore. After that day, no one seems to know when, how and why he left. In 1917, Bishop C.J Ferguson-Davie and Rev. A. B Champion went to the Gap rest house for a short holiday, as well as to search for possible new holiday bungalow sites due to the increasing number of European in South East Asia. The Clergymen returned to Singapore and submit a report of their visit, starting "within the five miles of the Gap, on the main trunk road between Selangor and Pahang (Kuala Kubu-Tras), there was an area which seemed to be eminently Suitable for a hill station. and which could be rapidly, easily and cheaply developed."
Thus the potential of Fraser's Hill as a cool highland gateaway was uncovered. Soon after Submission of the preliminary topographical survey report in 1910, works to develop the hill resort began. In 1925, Sir George Maxwell, the British High Commisioner in Malaya wrote "Fraser's Hill will always be the most exquisite and the most dainty hill station in Malaya, and I have no doubt that in few years will see great developement of enterprise in building bungalows there". "
Copied from "Fraser's Hill at a Glance


Last Friday, my family and I went to Fraser's Hill for a short trip since the school holiday just started. This is the second time in this year we went to Fraser's Hill which last time was a few months ago. We out from home quite late in the evening with a heavy rain and we stucked in traffic jam for I dunno how long. The ride was a bit uncomfortable for me because I was having a car sick lols due to frequent breaks at the traffic jam, and the route to Fraser's Hill of course. We finally reached at the rest house at 10pm something. Lucky we already booked the room earlier so the room is alreasy ready for us ~.~. Just like our previous visit, we stayed in Sri Berkat Rest House since the rent is kinda cheap (around RM120 per night) with a spacious room, however they provided no tv in each room =x. But since we were not to watch tv, somemore there is 1 televisyen at the house its not a problem to us. Anyway, as all of us kinda exhausted after the taugh ride, we straight went to sleep after a light dinner..haha.

The next day, hmmm.. I can say there is nothing much that we done. We have a breakfast at around 10am, after that suddenly got a heavy rain =.=. So we decided to stay at room till the rain slow down..and eventually all of us just stay sleeping in the room till pass afternoon..lols.. maybe I should call this a sleeping trip. While waiting in the room, I played with my camera, snapping pictures from windows or whatever things inside the house. Then after not long after that, something is wrong with the cam lense. My camera is spoiled!! T.T.. I need to depends on my hp camera or the video cam -.-. Then after the rain's gone, we went out and head to the town centre. Unfortunately, like our previous trip, the town is still under construction and there is no much progression since the last time which is already few months. In my opinion the Majlis Daerah who incharge on this should put more initiative to make the work done before the school holiday started because it the only period when Fraser's Hill can get more profits from the visitors. Without these visitors I can say it will looks like a dead town, with no proper care.
Since the town is "dead", we decided to go sightseing by the car. Fraser'sHill is beautiful actually with its cold whether but it is lack of maintenance and care by the Majlis Daerah which make it looks pretty shabby and messy at certain part.

After finished sightseing, we stop at a food stall called "Laman Jalan Lurah" for lunch or should I call tea breaks since it was already pass afternoon long long already. Well..talking about food there..there is nothing special. Just usual stall food like nasi lemak, fried banana, laksa etc etc.. +_+ But nvm, since all hungry already, we just bought some fired banana and nasi lemak to filled our empty stomach. Since it was so cold, the hot fried bananas tasted extra delicious than usual..haha. After that we stop awhile at a grocery shop to buy some snack before we head back to the rest house. I went to watched some tv shows at halls with my parents after that. Shows over, we went back to the room and rest/slack/sleep again..Haha, i guess a cold whether really nice for us to "hibernate". Somemore what else can we do? The town is dead, not much place for sightseing, wan do outside activity also cannot because it was raining, camera spoil, tv at hall=lazy -.-'' So realxing inside room is among the best thing we can When it was already night, my dad and brothers went out to bought us dinner, while me, my sis and mum ought to just stay in room. My dad bought us satay~yummy. Not as nice as "satay Kajang" but still not bad. Few hours then, we went to bed. That was the end of our day 2 in Fraser's Hill.

The next day, my dad got a phone call from his business friend for a meeting. So my we need to leave the place early to catch the meeting. We out from Fraser's Hill gate at around 10am after breakfast..Haiz, what a rush trip T.T. Before we head back to KL, my dad stop awhile at Kuala Kubu Bharu (town after Fraser's Hill) to buy something. As some of my friend knows, I used to stay at this town for quite a long time before i shifted to Seri Kembangan. I've grown up in this small town so it holds a lot of memories >.< We continue our ride back to KL after that..and thats the end of my short trip.

Well..even I can say it wasnt a really nice trip for vacation, but I guess its better than no go anywhere, am I right? Anyway, here is some pictures from the visit:''

Welcome to Fraser's Hill

Seri Berkat Rest House

Our room from outside

This is how the typical room inside the rest house looks like. Not bad for RM100 huh?

Stall we stop for tea break
Nothing special here..
Waiting for orders to be done


Kuala Kubu Bharu

Wanted to buy "kuih" but since it was already afternoon, all are finished already

Since my camera spoli half way, I didnt took much photo using the noob hp camera. So here I included some of photos from my previous visit.


Love this small flowers


Pink and red

Is this Daisy?

How is this picture? Nice?=p

Trying to take photo from different angle. See my dad and bros there?

My dad having a breeze from window

I wonder if still got people using this school

This butterfly have been stay still for hours!!-.-

Another butterfly. I felt the head looks like an owl O.o


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