(reason why I willing to spent my time just to wrote about this is because Im one of crazy fan of Ayumi Hamasaki, not so crazy lar actually. haha)
It is the latest compilation album from my favourite singer, AYUMI HAMASAKI. I've been watching it over internet for the past weeks, trying to figure out the price, wad its content and whether it is worth for me to buy it as most of her album, are not cheap.
The pretty packaging box alone already makes me eager to buy it, and when I discovered it consist of 3 cds full of her singles from 1st till the latest single, and a concert DVD, plus a lyric booklet of her singles plus 48-paged booklet of her unreleased singles cover (all colored), ahh..I really need to get this.
I decided to buy it, but I was not sure whether the album is sale in Malaysia market or not as I heard it is limited edition. That time I was busy with my reports which forced me to not go anywhere out. Somemore, I acknowledged that music stores around the place I living doesnt sell Japanese album that much. Thus, I start to surf around online cd store including e-bay to found out that the price when buy online is rather expensive and can cost me more than RM130, and some seller in e-bay put the price more than RM200 ..my God.. So I decided to hold on first, until I get done my work, then I can go out find the album.
Finally, it's the day for me to find my cds.lol. After i submitted my report, I stop at Mid Valley on my way back home. It's been awhile since the last time I went here, so i took chance to window shopping, catch a movie as well as find my cds^^.
So, I make my move to Tower Records, because I always bought Ayumi albums there. But surprisingly, I cant find the Tower Records!!..What the..since when they closed their outlet in Mid Valley??..zzz Haiz..so I walked away to Speedy Video hoping to find it there as Speedy's Mid Valley outlet is kinda big. And..yay~I finally found it. The good thing is, it is a lot more cheaper then compared to the online stores price. Maybe because for Malaysia market, the album will be manufactured by Warner Music Malaysia. But I dont care, because it looks just like the same as other countries like the 1 sold in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China (a chinese track include in the cd is not available for Japanese release). It is sold at RM89.90, means I can save at least RM40 rather than buy it online. Even it is still not cheap, but I think it is worth it for original 3 cds with 1 dvd. And it is complilation of all singles, means it wont include any rubbish track..haha. So I finally bought the album, and I am very happy with it. =)
So, here's some snap of the album:
The Box set
The box contents: 3CDs, 1 DVD, unreleased single covers booklet, and lyrics booklet
The album add as the 6th collection of my Ayumi's album collection. I only bought compilation album because they worth more for the money.A Complete All Singles Ayumi Hamasaki, Ayu RO-Mix3, -A- Best Black, -A- Best White, Ayumi Hamasaki -A- Best, Ayumi Hamasaki -A- Ballads.
This is the track list for A Complete All Singles:
Disc 1:
- Poker Face
- You
- Trust
- For My Dear...
- Depend on You
- Whatever
- Love ~Destiny~
- To Be
- Boys & Girls
- Monochrome
- Appears
- Kanariya
- Fly High
- Vogue
- Far Away
Disc 2
- Seasons
- Surreal
- Audience
- M
- Evolution
- Never Ever
- Endless Sorrow
- Unite!
- Dearest
- Daybreak
- Free & Easy
- Independent
- Voyage
- Ourselves
- Forgiveness
Disc 3
- No Way To Say
- Moments
- Inspire
- Carols
- Step You
- Fairyland
- Heaven
- Bold & Delicious
- Startin'
- Blue Bird
- Glitter
- Talkin' 2 Myself
- Mirrorcle World
- Who..(bonus track chinese version, not available at Japanese released)
(Limited TA Live-Tour)
- Real Me
- Poker Face
- Depend On You
- To Be
- You
- Dolls
- A Song for XX
- Surreal
- Evolution
- Rainbow
- Evolution
- Hanabi
- Voyage
- Forgiveness
- Boys & Girls
- Game
- Moments
- Greatful Days
- Fairyland
- Is This Love
- Unite!
- A Song For XX
- Until That Day...
- July 1st
- Boys & Girls
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