Monday, July 27, 2009

Al-Fatihah to my fren's bro


Today when I was about going to sleep, I took my hp and I saw 1 unread sms. Its from my best friend when I was in diploma. In the sms she told me about her youngest brother had pass away last Friday because of an accident. She even stated in the sms that the incident got appear in Metro and Utusan on Saturday. So I rushed to my computer to search Saturday's Metro and here it is, quote from Harian Metro 25th July:

KANGAR: “Ketika itu saya menjangka Syamil hanya mengalami luka kecil dan tidak mempedulikan sangat perkhabaran daripada rakannya sehingga seorang jiran memaklumkan kali kedua berhubung kejadian terbabit.

“Apabila keluar ke jalan raya, saya dapati orang ramai sedang mengerumuni tempat kejadian dan melihat seseorang budak terbujur kaku di atas jalan raya sambil ditutupi kain serta mengecam basikal milik arwah tidak jauh dari tempat kemalangan,” kata Hamidah Abdul Rahman, 52, ibu kepada Ahmad Syamil Azmi, 13, yang maut selepas dilanggar sebuah kereta ketika dalam perjalanan ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat Jumaat di sini, semalam.

Pelajar tingkatan satu Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tengku Sulaiman, Beseri itu, ketika kejadian sedang menunggang basikal ke masjid sebelum dilanggar sebuah Nissan Sentra dipandu seorang lelaki kira-kira jam 1.10 tengah hari

Mangsa yang juga anak bongsu daripada lima beradik dari Kampung Paya Senduk, Beseri dilaporkan meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian selepas cedera parah di kepala dan badan

“Saya sudah mengagak kejadian buruk berlaku dan tidak mampu menghampiri tempat kejadian dengan melihat mayat Syamil dari jauh. Bagaimanapun, saya pasti mayat terbabit adalah Syamil selepas mengecam basikal miliknya,” katanya ketika ditemui di Bilik Mayat, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah (HTF) di sini.

Katanya, kali terakhir bertemu Syamil kira-kira sejam sebelum kemalangan iaitu ketika mangsa baru pulang dari sekolah sebelum bersiap untuk pergi menunaikan solat Jumaat.

“Sebelum keluar rumah untuk ke masjid, Syamil sempat memaklumkan hendak pulang lewat kerana hendak menyiapkan kerja sekolah di rumah seorang rakan dan sejam selepas itu, saya dimaklumkan mengenai kemalangan terbabit,” katanya

Sementara itu, bapa mangsa, Azmi Ismail, 54, yang bertugas di Jabatan Perdana Menteri di Putrajaya dilaporkan bergegas pulang ke Perlis kira-kira jam 2 petang untuk menatapi anak bongsunya itu yang dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kechor di sini, lewat petang semalam.

Sementara itu, Pegawai Penyiasat Trafik daerah Padang Besar, Inspektor Azlizal Khairul Abdul Kadir, berkata kemalangan berlaku di Kilometer 8 Jalan Besar Kangar-Padang Besar ketika mangsa sedang berbasikal untuk ke masjid.

Katanya, Ahmad Syamil dikatakan dirempuh dan diseret beberapa meter oleh kereta terbabit yang dalam perjalanan dari Padang Besar ke Kangar dan disahkan meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian.

Lets give Al-Fatihah for him. Rest in peace and may his soul are always with Allah.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

NEXT LEVEL USB thumb drive


Today, I've posted about my emo emo, campus and now I want to post about my J-Pop stuff~
Haha, dunno why I feel like want to write a lot these days.

Tada~ the prettiest thumb drive on earth. lol

It's actually the latest album of Ayumi Hamasaki, NEXT LEVEL, but in thumb drive version.
Cool? haha. Size capacity: 2G with only 1.3G of free space (while the rest capacity were used for the album songs and PV's of course) Even tho the free space provided is kinda small, but who just still so pretty. Being made from Japan, it is very well made and it feels very heavy when I hold it in my hand. Thot of bring it for use when Im in campus, but thinking it might be lost or stolen or scratched wadsoever, I decided to keep this little baby safely on my shelve for the time being (>.<)v

I like it so much so here's more photo of this cute metal shiny thing

Today I see something..


..which I dont know how should I feel about it. Should I feel sad? Should I feel angry? Should I feel upset? should I feel JEALOUS? or should I just feel neutral about it. But one thing that I sure is I cannot feel happy for the thing that I see. And also I can feel the scar is aching. Maybe I still havent recover to the fullest.

well..I guess nothing I can do other than just let it be..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I am sleepy....


...when I write this post. But I feel I need to say something, or else I might end up of keep thinking and think and think and that might disturb my dream for tonight (>.<)
Today is already Thursday..left two days before my registration day for my degree. I feel so nervous, well ..since it has been awhile since I left my world of study. But at the same time I feel happy too, mainly is because I got a chance to create a better me, and partially is because it will help me to forget my recent problem.

Yea, my recent problem which is about relationship which is not really a 'real' relationship. Few weeks ago I decided to 'let go' someone's hand which I already hold for 2 years. I actually dont want too, but I think I got no choice, because if I still holding on, my heart might be continuously smash up. Even the person ask me not to do so at 1st.. but for me there is no point to continue because it will only invite more tears.

At the beginning I was really sad, as I lost 3 things at the same time. I lost a place to lean my heart. a person who I always spent my time and share my hobby with and also I feel like I lost a friend. But now Im fine with the 2 lost, as my heart can learn how to stand by it self. I also not really fond into the hobby that I used to do with tht person before. But I feel a bit sad for the part that I lost a friend.

Today, someone who I can say the main cause of the things that happened give suggestion whether 3 of us can do what we always do, but this time together ie 3 of us become friends. Well...I just say to her maybe can. But in my heart I wonder whether I really can face it or not.
Seeing a person who we used to stick together but now stick with another person is not really a good scene right? I dunno..maybe it will make me feel that I actually not lost the person completely and it will make me stop holding grudge on anyone, but..ugh I really dont know what should I feel about this.

Maybe, like most of people out there always said, I should just let time heal it all..

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