Finally after around 2 weeks of waiting, my cd is here! Again I picked it up at post office instead of they sending it to me. Bad pos Malaysia service..booo
I pre-ordered this at CDJapan at a cheap price since Im using my CDJ points, and again I managed to get 1st press copy. This time I decided to buy just the cd-only version instead of cd+dvd like what I always did before. The reason is because I can always have the video clip in the dvd in her coming album soon, and secondly is because Im simply short of money >.<.
So now is picture time (yay~)
The cd consist of 8 tracks which are:
1. You were...
3. RED LINE ~for TA~
4. You were... (orgel version)
5. Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ (orchestra version)
6. You were.. (instrumental)
7. BALLAD (instrumental)
8. RED LINE ~for TA~
Overall, I like this single but not so much. You were.. was nice and I love BALLAD. However I cant find myself to like RED LINE. As for the 2 bonus tracks, Sunset.. it just ok for me. I dont like the original version of this so same goes to the orchestra version, and for You were... orgel, its nice, but I prefer if it is an instrumental orgel instead of orgel with singing voice. Well..its not a great great single but it is certainly better then her previous one which is Sunrise/Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ which I found it horrible in many aspects. I even sold my copy to other people for that single +_+
So I guess I need to get ready for Ayumi new album as she already came out for 5 new songs after her last album and by that time, there goes my money again...
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