Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 weeks more to go

2 weeks has passed since my streamyx got "cut-off". And Im glad Im still alive. Wohoo~! Ok, I know Im not going to die just because of the absence of broadband, unless if I am some sort of game freak who treat online games as her/his gf/bf or food. Those people really exist. Believe me. Hey! Some people can let their poor baby died in hunger because they were busy feeding their virtual baby you know. This is true story, I aint lying.

Anyway, how did I survive my days without streamyx? Of course my sucky dial-up helps a lot. Even now I need to compete with my second bro who always try to grab the line phone, but, it still better than nothing, right? The only thing that Im afraid is how my father face going to look like when he receive the phone bill at the end of this month? The bills going to exceed RM100. Scary T_T

Now, I already stop using ebuddy as my msn substitution. Instead, Im using meebo. Thanks to Nanako for the recommendation. This is much much better than ebuddy. I can pop out the chat box like msn, less dc, less copy and paste those failed to sent messages and the most important thing is I can say goodbye forever to that noisy advertisement that haunt my ear on ebuddy. The only downside is the new message sound isnt as loud as msn and the "bling" are not colored like msn. But never mind, at least I still can see when new message coming.

Since I cant online so frequent already, I sms with people who I always chat on msn a lot (except with someone who always has no credit. Pftt). It looks like not only my house phone bill, but my hand phone bills going to sky high too >_<. Normally my hp bills are between RM18-RM30, but most probably it will go beyonds RM30 this time. But I guess thats ok since it just once in a while >_<

How about my window shopping habit? Well.. at first I thought no streamyx, no shopping. But I guess I am totally wrong. Im still spending. I just pre-ordered latest LOVE album, secure my latest Ayu album, and spending on some beauty stuff again. I can still load my destructed paypal and maybank2u account despite of the speed of king of snail with dial-up. I should give myself a tight slap. *piak*

Nevertheless, there are still some stuff that totally cant do without streamyx. I can chat, I can surf forum, I can blog without pictures, I can shop without tons of pictures. But I totally cant do any video/music stream. I cant open whatsoever application on facebook. Im glad that Im not a heavy facebook user nor youtube. I cant download files more than 3mb if I dont want to wait too long. All those stuff that require high bandwidth, I can just totally forget it.

So when some of my friends intro me to some songs, Im sorry I cant listen to them unless if he/she willing to convert the songs to smallest size and send to me via email. And now there are 3 of my favourite Japan artist that are releasing their new album/single which are Ayumi, Perfume and LOVE. While other people can enjoy the leaks from those album, by downloading it or watching them from youtube, I just only can know what things are already leaked from my friend Nanako and from her I know I already missed lots of thing T_T.

Im still blaming TmNuts and Screamyx for my internet nightmare. In this modern high tech era when people treating internet like rice for everydays consumption, how could they still make 1 freaking month as "quarantine" period for changing account which is actually for upgrading purposes? What a bullshit procedure.

Blah..guess I need to cope for this final 2 weeks. If my internet not coming back after 2 weeks, Im going to throw big thantrum to TmNet. Ok??!!


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