Tuesday, January 13, 2009



Last Sunday, I started my very 1st real working day (lol) as a...... Store Ascociate at 7-eleven -.- (part timer only >.<) At 1st I thot the job is kinda easy and more to cashier part..but actually, it is a very tiring and hmm, I can say a boring job. Within the 8 hours on my 1st working day, I remember I held a floor mop for AT LEAST FOUR times mopping all over the floor in the shop. Beside that I need to wipe the window or glass wall or wadever it is (dunno how to call in english) =.= , restocking items whenever see any empty spaces on the display rack and of course as a cashier. Restoking cans and drinks sometimes a bit troublesome when there is not enaugh spaces to stock up till some item need to be shifted to other part or the store (which sometimes when necessary require us to camp behind the fridge quite for awhile and sometimes sitting on the floor arrange the thing). The hardest part is, during the working hours, we not allowed to sit, oh well..there is no chair seen in the shop as well. When I came back home I can feel my legs like cramping bcos of standing too long, and enter the second day, it is very pain till I cant walk like usual zzz. Maybe this lazy body need times to get used to all these stuff I guess.

But wadever it is, I wont working in this store for long time, I swear!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa


Today 6/1/09 is my dad birthday. This year he turns 62 years old.

Hmm..since all people in the house busy wif work and school, we just celebrate buy having a dinner outside at mamak restaurant >.< My mum plan to buy somthing for my dad birthday present (but still not buy). I wonder wad thing she going to give... haha

Anyway I wish my dad stay good in health and happy always this year. Even you always nag me and ur most common conversation topic in the house is about electric bill =.=,
I still love you =D

Happy Birthday!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009



Here it comes again a very new year, perhaps with new hopes and new resolutions.
Well.. just like all other peoples do, I hope this year will be a better year for me in study, in financial, in health, in relationship =x and in everything =D.

Ahh..the only thing which is didn sound very nice in every new year is..we will get 1 year old older >.< Oh well..I guess until my birthday in October, I'll just say I am 21 years old =p

Happy New Year everyone ^^

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