While I was having my own hard time surfing net looking for any temporary job, suddenly my phone ringing for coming sms. I seldom received sms during day so I grab the phone wishing that it is not those annoying advertisement sms that always make me slamming the phone on the bed (not floor). So its from unknown number and this message pop up.Wow, Im broke now and now I won RM10K, is this what I should call a good luck?
But..wait, I never drink a can of Kacip Fatimah or a sachet of Ali Cafe. So how on earth all of sudden they want to give me this freaking huge ammount of RM10k?
Nah, even if I drink gallons of Ali Cafe, I wont fall for this bullshit scam. I heard from several forum discussion that they will ask the winners to buy something before they can take the money. Isnt it stupid?
I wonder how these no lifers get my number from. I bet someone selling my information when I was giving my contact number here and there for job applications.
Anyway, here is the number of the person who send me the sms and the number that he asked me to contact:
SMS from : 014-552 8857
contact number: 014-867 7192
Feel free to spam those number or contact them what so ever, scammer.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I won RM10K
3/03/2010 04:27:00 PM Posted by ReenLabels: Random Mumble
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