Tuesday, August 10, 2010

DIY: Lip Scrub


Recently while surfing youtube videos, I came across a beauty guru channel by Michelle Phan and Im seriously hooked! There are many beauty gurus out there, and she isnt the prettiest among them, but somehow her videos are really fun to watch for (well..at least for me). I love the music she used, her words, the way she narrates the videos, her sweet voice, instruction, description, the humor, the randomness or maybe should I say I love almost everything about her videos! Even my sister who not really into make up stuff can watch her video from start to the end. Haha! I know most people who love make ups already know about her, but incase you dont know. you can check out here channel here.

So back to the title, I saw one of her video titled Kissable Lips DIY. In the video, she shows how to get a soft kissable lips by exfoliate the lips using DIY lip scrub. As I think it look easy and fun, so I decided to try it out!

This is the lips before it get scrubbed, I hope it doesnt look gross :(

What you need is pretty simple. A table spoon of sugar, 2 table spoon of honey and a squirt of vaseline. You can buy vaselline from pharmacies like Watson or Guardian. I got mine in 50g tub for RM4++ .

Firstly, put all the stuff in a small container.

Stir it so that you can get a gritty texture like so.

Next, just put it onto your lips like how you apply lip balm, and then just rub it all over your lips using your fingers.

Again, sorry if the teeth look gross >_<

Finally, wipe it off with wash cloth or tissue. And tada...! You get an exfloliated lips. Can see the difference?

I never scrub my lips before, and I think this way is very simple yet fun! And did I tell you that the scrub taste yummy too? Even with vaseline. Lol.

Have fun trying it for those who interested! And you might check Michelle Phan's channel for more fun tutorial.!

Thats all. Thanks for reading ^_^

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sick gummy


So..my poor teeth gummy have been sicking since last Thursday and now it got swelled badly. I will always feel there is a big bump on my lower left chick especially when I just woke up from a slumber. And now it getting worst till the the level that most thing that involve the movement of mouth muscle hurts! It hurts when Im swallowing (food, drink, saliva, wadsoever that can be swallowed), it hurts when Im brushing teeth, it hurts when Im yawning, and it even hurts when I was burping, wtf.

It making me damn frustrated for the whole day as Im having pain everytime Im swallowing my saliva as if Im having a throat ulcer which is not and chewing food is such a chore. Dont even think of chewing something like gummy bear when your gummy is sick, you gonna scream ouchhh...!

Eating panadol wasnt enough so I guess I need to see dentist tomorrow. I dont want to bear this pain till fasting month, gosh, it would be a night mare fasting while having a sick mouth T.T

And that means I need to take mc tomorrow. Yay!! Thats the good part :P So if any of my colleague read this, you know what happen to me if I absence tomorrow, haha. I think this is finally my time to take mc, since I never had one ever since my first working day, lol.

Anyway, since someone already off to bed, that means I also need to sleep now (if I can sleep la). But before that, maybe I'll play few poker hand 1st, lol.

So, nite nite~

Monday, August 2, 2010

Overdue haul: Circle lenses


Back then, I owned only 2 pairs of circle lenses which is XCK-105 and Barbie Super Nudy Green and thats it. But ever since I got my temporary job, I started browsing back those circle lenses shop and thread and now I think I have fall into the circle lens bandwagon once again.

So this is my few months back (thats why I called this an overdue haul) pick on circle lenses.

From left to right:
Big DM23 brown, Max Pure pink, Max Pure Brown and MX-21 Black

I also bought a few sets of lens case, or else where am I gonna put all these lenses right.

The bottles are so pretty so I think I might keep them as collection. lol.

If you wondering what are the brand of these circle lens, DM23 and Max Pure Pink are from Dueba and MX-21 is from G&G but I heard people said Dueba and G&G is a same brand.

And for my Max Pure Brown, I have no idea whether this is from Dueba or EOS, because the supplier (Jujulens) change the original label into their own label:

So now the bottle label is Jujulens, instead of (insert brand name here). In my opinion, I dont think this is a good idea, since they should at least state what is the real brand right? And they even ditch the lens name. Plus some people (like me) might want to collect the bottle with different pretty labels, instead of having 4 pairs of different lens but with same label and no specific name and brand, sounds boring right?

Just a low quality picture on how each lenses look like:
Top from left: DM23 Brown and Max Pure Pink
Bottom from left: MX-21 Black and Max Pure Brown

Anyway, I might reviewing each lens when I have time. So far Im liking all of them, especially the Max Pure series. And more big hauls on circle lens are coming soon. So stay tune. And yes I guess I am now addicted to circle lens!

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