Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mass review coming soon


I love reading reviews. So I thot why not creating my own reviews? The only turn off of posting reviews is the lazyness of resizing those pictures and the snail internet speed that I need to go through when uploading photos. Ish. But since Im so damn free, im going to make reviews for the following stuff:

Beauty product:
1. Maybelline Gel lasting drama eyeliner
2. Shahnaz Hussain Kajal eyeliner
3. Mandom Cleaning Express Eye Make up remover
4. GEO lens UCK-105
5. Dr G bb cream (sample)
6. Skinfood Aloe bb cream (sample)
7. Maybelline Cat Eye Mascara
8. Yisixe nose patch

Non-beauty product
1. Ayumi 8cm cds
2. Ayumi Deiji Deiji Diary
3. Pefume Triangle
4. Perfume One Room Disco
5. Ayupans
6. Any Ayu stuff tht I feel like reviewing

and also some random review about....FOOD! Well..who dont love food? Haha
1. Jalapeno cheese dip powder aka KFC cheesy wedges cheese (cheesy wedges lover must read this)
2. Bakkers Cottage.

I know my blog dun have readers but whatever. Who ever want to read it? Stay tune~

My current wishlist


All of sudden I keep eyeing all beauty stuff. God, I've neglected my poor body over these years and now, I got a strong urge to become a beautiful lady. Everytime I window shopping in LYN, I keep staring those thread with skincare, bodycare and make up key word. Ahh..whats happening to me ?? Am I turning to make up girl?

Anyway, here is my wishlist/buying list:
1. Barbie Super Nudy Lens
2. Balo Chilli slimming gel
3. Sunglasses
4. Blackhead mask
5. MAC Dainty mineralize blusher (cant afford now)
6. BB cream (still finding what brand suit me)
7. Any lengthening mascara. (Maybelline cat eye suck)
8. Optifree lens solution (the bottle Im having going to say goodbye to me soon)
9. Hair straightener
10. any Ayumi stuff

see?? 9 out of 10 are beauty product. Omg, safe my wallet please T_T

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bald? (Part 2)


In some of my previous post, I was complaining about my hairfall problem. I had tried out numerous brand of shampoo on market including Pantene, Rejoice, Head n Shoulders, Clear, Dove, Sunsilk and the latest, Asience. Other than treating my dandruff problem, I found out it brings me no result in my hairfall problem or even repair my hair follicle. After seeing more hair on the floor each day, I know I really must try out of something. So after some research (which I hope the source are all true), I decided to splurge more on my hair product.

I'm having dandruff problem and most dandruff shampoo do contributing to the hairfall, which is really a big problem to me. After seeing a lot of reviews and opinions, I decided to get Nizoral shampoo to combat my dandruff problem.

If you trying to find this in supermarket, you wont find it. This is actually a controlled drug, and you can only buy it at pharmacy like Guardian, at the counter! I bought mine at Guardian, and it cost me RM30 for big bottle (100ml) It contain 2% of Ketoconazole, and can only be used for maximum of twice per week. I used it once every 4 days, and so far I only used it twice so its too early to comment about the real result. But so far Im liking this shampoo. My scalp feel so clean after use it and it give my hair a good hairday feel each time after usage as it make my hair goes fluffy and puffy.

Since I only can use it like twice a week, that means I need another shampoo for my daily use. From reviews, I found out that organic shampoo formulated with biotin might be good for thinning hair. There are numerous of brand and this brand seems one of the best selling, so I decided to give it a try. It is Avalon Organics Biotin B-complex shampoo and conditioner.
Another suggested product is actually taking biotin supplement with high dosage to promote hair growth since this vitamin is good for hair, scalp and nails. Bad news, both product are hardly to be found in Malaysia. Yes, there is biotin supplement sold around locally but only in low dosage. However, thanks to LYN forum, I found there is a forummer who brings these product from USA and sell it to the other forumers including me.

The big package arrived.

Yay~ the product that I hoping to be my hair savior.

The shampoo contain some ingredients to combat hairfall like saw palmetto, biotin and wheat protein. Some early review after 1st time using the shampoo, it work like most shampoo. Im glad it doesnt make my hair feel too dry or greasy like some shampoo. My only complain is the smell. Most people in described this unpleasant smell as grass smell..something like that. But for me, the accurate description about the smell is, it smell like most of our local oinment, or widely reffered as "minyak angin". Yea.. it really bug me at 1st but Im glad the smell go away as my hair no longer wet after shower..phew.. Oh ya, and the price for the shampoo is RM32, and same with the conditioner.

For biotin, its too early to give any review for its result, but some facts, 1 bottle cost me RM38 and it consist of 120 capsules. 1 capsule per day so it equivalent for 4 month of usage and it contain 5mg of Biotin which is pretty high. It is advice to drink plenty of water since it is water soluble.

An update after my 1st time of taking it. I saw a video about biotin by someone who always make a review about make up. According to the video, the biotin caused her to get cystic acne around her chin! It was supported by some viewers but not all..but still many. What freaked me off, the brand is exactly same as mine. So I did some online research and some people experiencing same problem when taking biotin. Ah... I really hope Im not in this group of people or else I need to choose between my face or my hair T_T

Tats all about my hair thingy, will update if got any positive or (hopefully not) negative result.

You were.../BALLAD single by Ayumi Hamasaki


Finally after around 2 weeks of waiting, my cd is here! Again I picked it up at post office instead of they sending it to me. Bad pos Malaysia service..booo

I pre-ordered this at CDJapan at a cheap price since Im using my CDJ points, and again I managed to get 1st press copy. This time I decided to buy just the cd-only version instead of cd+dvd like what I always did before. The reason is because I can always have the video clip in the dvd in her coming album soon, and secondly is because Im simply short of money >.<.

So now is picture time (yay~)

The parcel from CDJ (my bro actually opened it already)

Wow, a bunch of "protector"

Neatly bubble-wrapped in box with rolled poster

Took off the wrapped, yay no scratch wadsoever

The external bonus: a B3 sized poster

1st press came with alternate cover (the blue one)

I really love love the cover..^_^

The cd consist of 8 tracks which are:
1. You were...
3. RED LINE ~for TA~
4. You were... (orgel version)
5. Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ (orchestra version)
6. You were.. (instrumental)
7. BALLAD (instrumental)
8. RED LINE ~for TA~

Overall, I like this single but not so much. You were.. was nice and I love BALLAD. However I cant find myself to like RED LINE. As for the 2 bonus tracks, Sunset.. it just ok for me. I dont like the original version of this so same goes to the orchestra version, and for You were... orgel, its nice, but I prefer if it is an instrumental orgel instead of orgel with singing voice. Well..its not a great great single but it is certainly better then her previous one which is Sunrise/Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ which I found it horrible in many aspects. I even sold my copy to other people for that single +_+

So I guess I need to get ready for Ayumi new album as she already came out for 5 new songs after her last album and by that time, there goes my money again...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 63rd Birthday!!


Happy 63rd Birthday Papa!! We love you!!

The cake kinda small so we just placed 3 candles

Its a Black Forest Cake. Yummy.

On nom nom nom

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kajang Bus Stop


Today after I done with my stuff somewhere else around Jalan Reko Kajang, it was around 3.30pm something, still a long way before my father office hour end. (His office is in the same area too). Knowing there was someone that I dun wish to bump into that office, I decided to wait outside. I lingered around the 1st floor of the bus station, and grab 1 pack of Limited Edition Milo. lol. Then I continue walking around. It was nothing that interest me actually. It noisy with the bus engine sound and the air..ah, smokey~~ I walked till I reached the end of the floor, and I saw a small restaurant. There are some striking green color paper pasted on the wall wrote with their special menu. I read it and it say something like "Nasi Goreng Telur Teletak" , Nasi wadever wadever pun teletak", "bla bla bla teletak". Wad the hell with the teletak teletak thing? o.O''

Ok, everything was bored, so I decided to just sit while waiting for my father. My butt is sitting but eyes was still lingering watching people. Suddenly an Indo girl said to me "Kakak mahu pergi mana?" I dont know how old is she, but since she called me kakak..oh well.. I replied her saying that Im heading to Serdang and I was waiting for my dad. Then she started talking about herself, like where she going, she came from where, her brother job bla bla bla, and I just listening while not talking too much >.< (Im not in the mood to talk~~)

Not long after that she leaving to surau cos she wan rest. My eyes continue lingering. Suddenly it stop at a photo shop booth, there are 3 young gals inside and 2 of them are fighting! Slapping and scratching and shouting, before the 3rd girl confronted them. I was like, wow? After that they seems like make up each other and everything goes back to normal. lol

Shortly, the indo girl come back, saying that the surau is full. She back to her seat and started to snooze off. Ohya, forgot to mention that her bus schedule is at 10pm, long hours more to go.

Finally I got sms from my dad asking me to go to the car at parking lot. Yay~ finally Im out from this weird place..relief~~

Monday, January 4, 2010

A bad dream


Last night I had a very bad dream, and it just scary when everything seemed so clear. The background is in a classroom, UiTM classroom I mean. An unknown lecturer was checking the student's homework, and Im being one of students who doesnnt make it done. The lecturer than said if one person undone, she wont evaluate all students. lol. But thats not actually the main reason why I said this is a bad dream. >.<

So here's the bad story goes. Suddenly a girl came out of nowhere walk fast to a male student and slapped him hard. The girl take a few deep breath and she looked so angry, and I can see tears flew from the edge of her eye. She then shouted to the boy about something that he done to her which make her feel disappointed. The lecturer who felt her class was being disturbed by the slapping incident mumbling something about that girl, and the girl heard it.

The girl walked slowly to the lecturer with angry face and slapped her! The lecturer become angry and want to slap her back but the girl block her hand from doing so. She then say something loudly to the lecturer. After that she ran to the main switch box and trying to took off the power supply wire. Everyone were watching her but never act to stop her. Aware that she going to do something with the wire, I ran from the classroom to avoid any unwanted shock from the wire >.< The girl managed to snatch out the wire from it place and shout something. She then walk toward the classroom exit where I was nearby outside. She touched the wire to her chest and her body was shaking hard before she finally collapsed. It was a suicide. After her body was removed, the class continue as usual but at other room. Im not going to elaborate more further cos everything seems vague after this.

So that is about my last nite's bad dream. What scares me more is I actually know the girl. She is not my friend but I know she is the only child in her family. It was a great relief when I woke up this morning to find out it was only a dream. Phew.. Well..maybe some people saying suicide isnt a big deal and it might be the easiest way to end a misery. But in muslim, suicide will make bad things become worst, become whoever who make a suicide, he or she will be thrown to the hell and stay there FOREVER as a punishment for not appreciating life that was given by God.

So..yeah. Thats all folks. Really really thankful it just a dream cos I dun wish to watch a real suicide infront of my eyes. T_T

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