2 weeks has passed since my streamyx got "cut-off". And Im glad Im still alive. Wohoo~! Ok, I know Im not going to die just because of the absence of broadband, unless if I am some sort of game freak who treat online games as her/his gf/bf or food. Those people really exist. Believe me. Hey! Some people can let their poor baby died in hunger because they were busy feeding their virtual baby you know. This is true story, I aint lying.
Anyway, how did I survive my days without streamyx? Of course my sucky dial-up helps a lot. Even now I need to compete with my second bro who always try to grab the line phone, but, it still better than nothing, right? The only thing that Im afraid is how my father face going to look like when he receive the phone bill at the end of this month? The bills going to exceed RM100. Scary T_T
Now, I already stop using ebuddy as my msn substitution. Instead, Im using meebo. Thanks to Nanako for the recommendation. This is much much better than ebuddy. I can pop out the chat box like msn, less dc, less copy and paste those failed to sent messages and the most important thing is I can say goodbye forever to that noisy advertisement that haunt my ear on ebuddy. The only downside is the new message sound isnt as loud as msn and the "bling" are not colored like msn. But never mind, at least I still can see when new message coming.
Since I cant online so frequent already, I sms with people who I always chat on msn a lot (except with someone who always has no credit. Pftt). It looks like not only my house phone bill, but my hand phone bills going to sky high too >_<. Normally my hp bills are between RM18-RM30, but most probably it will go beyonds RM30 this time. But I guess thats ok since it just once in a while >_<
How about my window shopping habit? Well.. at first I thought no streamyx, no shopping. But I guess I am totally wrong. Im still spending. I just pre-ordered latest LOVE album, secure my latest Ayu album, and spending on some beauty stuff again. I can still load my destructed paypal and maybank2u account despite of the speed of king of snail with dial-up. I should give myself a tight slap. *piak*
Nevertheless, there are still some stuff that totally cant do without streamyx. I can chat, I can surf forum, I can blog without pictures, I can shop without tons of pictures. But I totally cant do any video/music stream. I cant open whatsoever application on facebook. Im glad that Im not a heavy facebook user nor youtube. I cant download files more than 3mb if I dont want to wait too long. All those stuff that require high bandwidth, I can just totally forget it.
So when some of my friends intro me to some songs, Im sorry I cant listen to them unless if he/she willing to convert the songs to smallest size and send to me via email. And now there are 3 of my favourite Japan artist that are releasing their new album/single which are Ayumi, Perfume and LOVE. While other people can enjoy the leaks from those album, by downloading it or watching them from youtube, I just only can know what things are already leaked from my friend Nanako and from her I know I already missed lots of thing T_T.
Im still blaming TmNuts and Screamyx for my internet nightmare. In this modern high tech era when people treating internet like rice for everydays consumption, how could they still make 1 freaking month as "quarantine" period for changing account which is actually for upgrading purposes? What a bullshit procedure.
Blah..guess I need to cope for this final 2 weeks. If my internet not coming back after 2 weeks, Im going to throw big thantrum to TmNet. Ok??!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
2 weeks more to go
0 comments 3/27/2010 02:33:00 AM Posted by ReenLabels: Random Mumble
Saturday, March 20, 2010
No Streamyx for 1 month
2 comments 3/20/2010 01:17:00 AM Posted by ReenLabels: Random Mumble
My father decided to upgrade my streamyx to 4mbps speed. Initially I was excited. Imagine, from 512kbps to 4mbps. Wow, 8 times faster. Cool. In order to get that freaking speed, the old streamyx need to be terminated before we change to the new one. Oh, ok, fine. But only AFTER it got terminated, my father said that I need to wait for at least 1 month before the new streamyx can be activated. I was like.... ONE MONTH?? Without streamyx?? NOOOO!!!
Why on earth they need to take a 1 freaking month just to create the account? Hello, its not that I didnt pay the bills thus I need to wait for 1 month fine for reactivation or whatsoever. We want to upgrade! Or can I say that we want to give them more money. So why make us to wait so long. Ohya, actually we need to wait AT LEAST 1 month before the account can be activated. Means it might take more than 1 month. Wow, unbelievable.
Seriously, I feel as if I got conned. Sigh..
And now, I need to rely on snail speed of 54kbps dial-up. And of course it wont run at 54kbps, my current speed now is only 24kbps. Even tortoise already done crossing the road while me still loading my yahoo mail. My parent dont agree to sign up for P1Wimax as the subscription is based on 1-2 year contract. Any my mum seems not interested in getting Celcom broadband. I wish I got money now so I can just get it for myself T_T
With this speed, no need to dream making a blog post full with pictures. I even cant sign in my msn. Left alone youtube. No more Texas Hold'm Poker for now. And my cafe world will be abandoned for 1 month plus because I cant cook dishes for my restaurant.
Window shopping become much harder. I cant even view pei2 thread as there are too many pictures. I only can load 1 tab at 1 time instead of 10++ tabs when I window shopping using streamyx. My joy of online shopping is vanished by more than half.
My job haunnting of course become much more difficult too. Surfing jobstreet is damn slow, and I cant even use google map properly for directions purposes. Sometimes I need to ask my dar or frens to help me seeing the map.
Since I rely a lot on msn to get connected with my dear and others, I need to use ebuddy as substitution for my dead msn. And it keep disconnected everytime I try to load any website with heavy traffic. And the most annoying thing is, ebuddy has this arabic advertisement that keep refreshed whenever I tab out the chat box. Why I said the advertisement very annoying? Is because it has been implemented with some sort of music and I cant mute them! I feel like pulling my thin hair evertime the song play by itself. So the only way is to just mute my computer sound. Ish.
Now my second brother is back for holiday. That means I cant use this dial-up as much as I want too as he might use it for ipta scholarship application whatsoever. I just hope I still can find my time to get online since I need to alert on any job enlistment and keep checking my mail incase there is any interview call out. I got my own importance too, you know.
Ahh..this is so annoying. I still cannot accept that I need to wait for 1 month. Is this real? I wonder if it just some misunderstanding since its not my father who handling this new account but my relatives. Maybe my father had missed out something, thus the 1 month waiting time? I also not sure.
Sometimes I wish time goes slower but this time I wish time can go faster and faster. Sigh..
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Review: Mandom Beauty Cleansing Express Eye Make Up Remover
0 comments 3/10/2010 09:09:00 PM Posted by ReenLabels: Cosmetics, Mandom, Reviews and Hauls
Price : Around RM22++ something from Watson
Size : 140ml
Available at other store like Jusco as well.
I was looking for a replacement of my Maybelline Make Up remover which almost finished that time as I accidentally spilled almost half bottle of it on the floor*ouch*. I decided to find other brand since the Maybelline wasnt really effective in removing my Volume cat eye mascara. After looking around, my eye caught on a new standee at Watson with Mandom Cleansing Express range product which I believed just been brought to Malaysia. I saw the eye make up remover and straight away love the packaging (I am sucky for cute packaging). However, since I never heard this brand before, I decided to put it on hold to search for some reviews.
And I found lots of good reviews about this make up remover so few days later I came back and straight grab this to the cashier.
First of all, I really love the printed details on the bottle as it quite cute and has the high quality feeling.
Isnt it pretty?
The bottle tip is like most of other make up remover out there. You need to pour this on cotton pad and start your erasing process.
The product consist of 2 layers of oil, so must shake it well before using.
So, is it work as what other people claims? For me, it works quite well on my eyeliner and eye shadow as I need only 1 - 2 rub before they vanished from my eye. However, I also found out that I still need to put some effort to remove my Maybelline Cat eye mascara. It kinda a bit disappointing as I was hoping to find something which can rub this easily from my lashes. I guess the mascara itself is the type that very hard to remove.
See how dirty is the cotton pad after single wipe.
My eyes was actually cleaned after that except for my eyelashes which still have traces of stubborn mascara.
Of course after that you need to clean your face thoroughly with cleanser.
Overall, I think this product is ok, and I can assure it work better than the Maybelline one. I might consider in repurchasing this, as the price is cheap for 140ml of product and it work except on my mascara. But I believed it will work well in removing other brand of mascara, so hopefully I already change my mascara by the time I repurchase this product.
My rating:
4 out of 5 star on my eyeshadow and eyeliner
3 out of 5 star on my Maybelline cat eye mascara.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Review: UCK-105 Geo Lens.
1 comments 3/09/2010 09:11:00 PM Posted by ReenLabels: Contact Lens, Reviews and Hauls
This is actually my first circle lens which I bought around last year December. I was looking for black colored lens that enlarge the eye size but still look natural. Normal diameter of circle lens is 14mm, so when I bump into this that claimed to have the diameter of 14.7mm I straight away hooked by it and made an order straight away. I purchased this lens from purple-lens blogshop (see my side bar for the link) for RM28 per pair inclusive of postage (Please take note the price has been marked up to RM30 recently). As usual, all geo lens can be used till max one year but it is recommended to change it every 3 months or so especially for those who wearing it daily.
Here how the lens looks like on my finger.
The lens really enlarge the eye as what it claims. I love how it make my eyes larger but still look natural. However this lens may not suitable for those who have very slity eye or small eye as it might cover most of the white area (sclera) of your eye. I've seen a photo of a girl having a small eye wearing this, and it looks very weird. The lens covered almost of her eye even she actually opening her eyes big in the picture.
Anyway, here are my pictures wearing the lens.
With and without lens (flash)
With and without lens (no flash)
Camwhored session with contact lens
Ok, I know you want to puke already.
Overall I really love love love this lens. Its comfortable, its enlarging yet looks natural. I experienced a bit of dryness after few hours of wearing it but thats normal when you wearing contact lens, which I cant bother it much. There are lots of other brand out there so I would like to try others after this already worn out. So I might repurchase this incase I cant find any better brand.
Rating : 4 out of 5 lippies
I dont like when it make my eye dry, thus 1 mark deduction.
Monday, March 8, 2010
0 comments 3/08/2010 08:31:00 PM Posted by ReenLabels: Random Mumble, Reviews and Hauls
Today I got 2 parcels from Babyangel83 and D-mask. Happy happy happy!! Now left 3 more in waiting list. The 1st one is my first purchase with Babyangel, I choosed normal postage and it still havent reach in my hand after 2 weeks, even my 2nd purchase from her already here, damn. One from ebay Hong Kong which going to turn 2 weeks soon and the last one scheduled to be posted by the seller this week from drugstore.com spree.
Wohoo.. shopping really can make me happy.. especially at this time when my heart is so fragile as if waiting to be cracked because of certain things, thanks to someone.
Since most of my item already in my hands, Im going to post some hauling entry soon. I really splurged a lot (a lot in terms of tight budget) last month and infact I already bought some stuff as soon as this month started. My wallet really is crying for help right now T_T
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Bakso anyone?
0 comments 3/07/2010 03:23:00 AM Posted by ReenLabels: Food
Last 2 days, I went to pasar malam near my house area with my bro. After getting everyones food, as usual Im the last one who still undecided on what to eat. Slow decision maker!! Even when choosing food!
So I walked till the end of the pasar malam till the last seller selling chicken rice and noodles. My eyes caught on the bakso which was one of the menu list. I know bakso is an Indonesian food, but then I never tried it. So I asked the seller, what it looks like. She answered "Mihun atau mee sup campur bebola daging". I was like, wow, got meatballs? And at the same time my mind came across Pizza hut meatballs. lol. So without hesitating, I ordered one with mihun. The seller asked me whether I want it to be hot, and without thinking I said yes. Ironically, Im actually not someone who adores hot and spicy food so much =.=. After I paid RM2.50, we left for home.
Time to devour the bakso!
The picture, is it look tempting? It look scary actually. Guess what is the brownish thingy? Its grinned cili api mixed with the noodle. Woah, I was hoping it wont cook my tongue >.< And the meatballs, nah..dont expect it will taste like pizza hut meatballs.
After one slurp.
Ffffffffff..... damn spicy!
Still try to hold my burning mouth, but at the end I only managed to stuffed all the meatballs in my stomach, and lots of soup, no..its chilli soup, and mihun remain unfinished. Wasted! But I really cannot take it anymore since it too hot till I cant merely taste anything with my tongue, really! And my lips was swollen and red as if I wear a lip tint or something =.=
So thats my first experience of eating bakso, hottest noodle I ever taste. And sorry I wont buy this again as it almost cooked my belly, lol.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Labels: Feelings and Emotions
I take back my word.
All I want to say is I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you~
I love you dear =)
Hand Sanitizer
0 comments 3/05/2010 05:05:00 AM Posted by ReenLabels: Reviews and Hauls
Can I make a short reviews about hand sanitizers? Yes , of course I can. Its my blog anyway.
Hands sanitizer started to become popular since the H1N1 break out. But I started to buy hand sanitizers not because of the pandemic, but since I began to wear contact lens few months ago. You know, good care of hand hygiene is a must when handling contact lens since we going to poke the thing on our precious eyes and we use our bare hands to do the job. Besides its quite convenient incase you need to use an ATM machine that someone had put mucous on it (if you watched H1N1 advertisement in RapidKL bus before, you'll know what I mean) and you cant find any water source to clean your hand, thats when your handy hand sanitizer came to the rescue since this small bottle of gel claims that they can killed 99.99% of germ on our hand. Wow, isnt that cool?
So far Im using my 3rd bottle of my hand sanitizer and I buy different brand each time since there are lots of brand in the market nowadays. The price is kinda cheap too, range from RM2++ -RM5.My very first bottle was from Eskulin brand which cost me less than RM3. It actually meant for kids hand but I still bought it anyway due to the cute disney bottle and the light fruity sweet scent. It has blue speck in the gel which I really enjoy crush it on my hand..*childish*. When apply on hand, it will give slightly cool sensation (which I love) before it fully absorbed by the skin. I use it almost everyday even my hands not particularly dirty, and this bottle ends in not time.
My 2nd bottle was from Dettol. I chose the one with aloe over the original one since the original is more to medicated smell. Unlike the fruity scent of eskulin, this, of course give the light smell of aloe and it never leave any cooling sensation upon application. The price is more expensive compare to other brand..well its Dettol, so what you can expect.
And finally, my current bottle is from Ginvera brand. Now, this hand sanitizer smells like perfume which I never realized before purchasing it. It is soo heavy scented till to the point that I can smell this right away when I step into my room while my sister was using this, and infact at first I thought someone is wearing perfume before I saw my sis holding the hand sanitizer bottle. It feel a bit sticky upon application which I suspect due to high fragrance content. The smell can even make me sneeze (my nose kinda allergic with heavy scented perfume). I dont feel comfortable at all when using this before putting on my lens because it feels like I sprayed my hand with perfume and having perfume spec on your eyes never sound like a good thing. I guess I'll getting other brand soon for my lens purposes, and for Ginvera, Im not going to repurchase once this bottle comes to and end. I want something to clean my hands, not a perfume.
I do recommend people out there especially girls who love to touch up their make up to have a hand sanitizer in your handbag. Well..the world out there is so dirty especially when we have soo many uncivilized people that love to litter here and there in our country. Who knows if you actually had touched a shit trace somewhere before you patting your face for make up touch up. Ew..that is so gross right?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Rant rant rant
0 comments 3/04/2010 09:09:00 PM Posted by ReenLabels: Feelings and Emotions
From now, Im going to concentrate on finding my part time job. I dont want to wait anymore. I already delay it for a month just for a stupid reason that I dont know when its going to happen, and now I dont want to care. Im going to stop neglecting myself just for the sake of people around me. I want to get a job as fast as possible, get the money, shopping, saving and if God willing me, Im going to step into student world again, try my very best to score. Graduate, find a permanent job. Make a lot of good money, be somebody and marry a good man.
Oh God please give me enough time to achieve all those. I still got lots of things to do. I really hope 2012 is just a pure Mayan myth. I still have lots of dream..
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I won RM10K
0 comments 3/03/2010 04:27:00 PM Posted by ReenLabels: Random Mumble
While I was having my own hard time surfing net looking for any temporary job, suddenly my phone ringing for coming sms. I seldom received sms during day so I grab the phone wishing that it is not those annoying advertisement sms that always make me slamming the phone on the bed (not floor). So its from unknown number and this message pop up.Wow, Im broke now and now I won RM10K, is this what I should call a good luck?
But..wait, I never drink a can of Kacip Fatimah or a sachet of Ali Cafe. So how on earth all of sudden they want to give me this freaking huge ammount of RM10k?
Nah, even if I drink gallons of Ali Cafe, I wont fall for this bullshit scam. I heard from several forum discussion that they will ask the winners to buy something before they can take the money. Isnt it stupid?
I wonder how these no lifers get my number from. I bet someone selling my information when I was giving my contact number here and there for job applications.
Anyway, here is the number of the person who send me the sms and the number that he asked me to contact:
SMS from : 014-552 8857
contact number: 014-867 7192
Feel free to spam those number or contact them what so ever, scammer.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy 54th Birthday to my mum!
0 comments 3/02/2010 03:04:00 AM Posted by ReenLabels: Birthdays and Occasions
Happy birthday mother! 1st March arrived again and today my mother turns 54. Hmm, seems like the number "1" love my family. My mum is 1/3 while me and my bro are 1/10, and my dad is 6/1. My two "relative" (wads with the bracket? only some people know) are on 11/11 and 1/9. Oh, and did I mentioned someone close to me is on 1/x too? >_< We didnt really make any celebration yet since my father was kinda busy and one of my bro isnt here, which delay the celebration. However, I tried to make my first cake for my mother birthday. Due to shortage of some ingredients, I choose to make caramel pudding sponge cake simply because we got all ingredients at home. But the bad news is the preparation is kinda tricky for a beginner like me and the cake end up not as perfect as I thought. Infact the sponge cake part is quite a failure T_T.
Before in oven
When its done (after cooling period), only pudding can be seen while the cake failed to raise at bottom T_T
And it took a little bit time and my mother already in to bed. Arghh.. So I guess she will eat it tomorrow.
Why it took so long? Actually I can serve it before my mum go to sleep but my father who always choose wrong timing in doing something give me a nice fire stoning random lecture when I was checking the cake whether its read to be served. He totally kills my mood. I was spending many hours and effort preparing and all of sudden he got me into a random nagging serious talk. It make me feel a bit upset and I end up staying at my room after that with low mood so thats explain why I cant serve it immediately.
But anyway, happy birthday mother. I havent buy the present yet. I actually wanted to buy this recipe book that was produced by a local princess as the birthday gift which will cost me hundred bucks. But seems like I cant find it in nearest bookstore here, I guess I need to dig up big MPH for this. So sorry for the late present >.<
Anyway, I should sleep now because I need to get up early tomorrow, because of this:
Damn, stupid door bell run out of battery at the wrong time. Now because of it, I need to go through the hassle of "nicely planned" town of Seri Kembangan just to get to their post office which is located strategically on the middle of traffic crowd with no enaugh parking space. Shit. And its quite far from my house too. Sigh.. The postman sure very happy now as this time I cant blame him for my stupid bell door. (My name is known among some pos malaysia folks at Seri Kembangan kaunter serahan post office since I always call them complaining and nagging about my delayed parcel and bla bla bla.)
Maybe I should stop by Jusco after that so I can release my stress there by window shopping. Yay.
Ok, enough. Good night.
Monday, March 1, 2010
OOS again!!
0 comments 3/01/2010 03:50:00 AM Posted by ReenLabels: Random Mumble
Sometimes I got a feeling that God actually want me to learn how to make fast decision.
Well, I can make fast decision at other important thing but not at all at shopping. Seriously I can think about certain stuff that I was eyeing for 1 week before decide to buy it or not. I love to take my own sweet time to find as much reviews as possible, comparing prices, opinions and much more aspect for the stuff that I planned to splurge on. And when Im done with that part and feel sure that I want it, I will come back to the shop...and just to find out that its already out of stock aka OOS! Huaaa~ how heartache after such a long time taken just to decide and when we want it, its gone! And this actually happened to me for few times thorough last 2 months and recently was few minutes ago as I never learnt my lesson T_T
OOS number 1, I was eyeing on few circle lenses. It took me weeks to look around and finally when I want to place the order, one of my eye prescription was oos. And it oos everywhere, which end up me opted for lower power because I was about to use this urgently for an important event (which was delay after that. Pfft!!).
OOS number 2, I saw this cell roller quite long time ago but never buy it because I think I dont need it urgently. So when I bought my Chilli Balo gel, I finally decided to buy the roller together but again, it OOS, everywhere in LYN. I was end up getting one at ebay with extra price and when I got it in my hand, the cell roller brand is different than what it advertise (Japan brand ====> China brand) which is suck.
OOS number 3, I wanted to get this "thing" as a gift to someone. I saw several LYN seller do selling this but again I didnt buy it immediately. And it was OOS when I already made up my mind. Even the most expensive among the sellers still OOS. I search everywhere, LYN, JbTalks, cutety, pretty, dunno wad other shop already, all OOS. I cant even find the exact thing when doing live shopping in Times Square. Gosh. End up, I delay the gift it to birthday instead. Hope it already restock by then =.=
OOS number 4, saw this cute Ayupan (Ayumi figurine) on AHS. Interested but then feel it a little bit expensive. Few days after that I still keep thinking of it and when I came back its already taken. T_T
OOS number 5, saw a sleeping pack at pei2 thread. And AGAINNN I never buy immediately. The moment I ask pei2, it already OOS. Lucky Babyangel still have it with cheaper price so I guess thats a good OOS moment.
OOS number 6, wanted to buy a bunch of skincare product for mask. I saw this nano fine towel and plan to get it since it might help cleaning the mask residue in deep pores. But before that I took a very long sweet time just to do my own research on the stuff ingredient since I think these item wont OOS so fast Finally a decision made (which is not much differ with my initial plan). Wanted to place the order from Renee shop but the towel is OOS =_='''. I was thinking to purchase from her so I can get 15% discount for my next purchase. And cutetygirl got no stock for the towel too. So I guess I will stick back to pei2 and this time I dont want to wait! I had enaugh with all my OOS item.
Lesson learnt. Hopefully I dont have more OOS item as Im going to get back to shop for some items that I already watching...1 week ago >_< .